Twisted Bloody Vodka

Just Add Tomato!!

Twisted Bloody Vodka bottle. For making an easier, better, bloody mary

“Just pour one part this vodka with three parts tomato juice, and you’ve got yourself a stellar, two ingredient Bloody Mary.” -

Twisted Bloody Vodka is a new way to make a Bloody Mary - it's backwards.

It's vodka with all of the herbs, spices, salt and vinegar already in it, you just add it to PLAIN tomato juice to make a fantastic bloody.

It’s non-perishable, at room temp, even if it’s been opened.

It tastes better than tomato-based mixes, because tomato juice breaks down flavors, so they taste muddled. In the vodka, our real herbs and spices retain their flavor without preservatives or using any fake flavorings or extracts.

“When paired with a can of tomato juice, you can’t go wrong.” - Men’s Journal

  • We wanted to serve made-from-scratch bloodies in the tasting room, but realized the normal way to make a bloody mix (in tomato juice) meant that we’d be throwing out unused mix, along with all the herbs and spices, every week. So in true Twisted Path fashion, we re-thought it. Why should we put all the herbs, spices, salt and vinegar in the tomato juice? The tomato juice is the only perishable part of the bloody? Why not put all that stuff in the vodka? That way it doesn’t spoil, without using any preservatives, or refrigeration. Once we got to making it happen, we also realized that in the vodka, we can infuse real herbs and spices, instead of the flavorings and extracts used in store-bought tomato-based mixes. The end result is that it tastes better than other bloody mixes, and it’s non-perishable. We just open up plain tomato juice as needed, and mix it with bloody vodka! It’s an easier, better, bloody.

  • Twisted Bloody Vodka begins as 190 proof vodka. We infuse the vodka with about a dozen herbs and spices, then dilute that infusion down to bottling proof (80 proof) using a brine we make of water, salt, and vinegar.

  • Wisconsin- we are distributed by Capitol-Husting/Allstate Liquor

    California - Contact us directly

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Twisted Path Chai